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English Language Arts

Explore the Power of Words in our English Language Arts Classes!

Step into a world where language is not just a subject, it’s the key to unlocking your potential. At Global Leadership Academy, our English Language Arts classes are more than just lessons; they’re a journey through the rich landscape of human expression and communication.

You’ll develop skills that go beyond the classroom: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting. You’ll engage with a diverse range of genres and literary texts, including captivating works from world literature. Our courses are designed to challenge your mind, broaden your perspectives, and empower you to voice your thoughts with confidence.

As you navigate through stories and texts, you’ll learn to form your own opinions, make informed decisions, and reason ethically. You’ll cultivate international-mindedness and celebrate personal development and cultural identity. And most importantly, you’ll learn to use words responsibly as you participate in your local and global communities.

Meet the GLA English Language Arts Team!

What do students learn in your class?
"Students learn English Language Arts skills and how those skills are applicable in real life situations."
What do students learn in your class?
"Students learn real world skills such as interpreting difficult texts, formulating arguments, and evaluating sources. My favorite texts to teach are Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet with 9th grade, and Hamlet with 12th grade."
What do students learn in your class?
"Students will learn about literary terms and informational writing. Students will read books like "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and "The Handmaid's Tale" to help consider concepts from different perspectives. They will also learn to do research on a topic of their choosing to learn more about something they care about."
ELA Classes at GLA include:
  • English I

  • English II

  • English III
  • English IV