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Dress Code

To provide an environment conducive to optimal and safe learning absent of unnecessary distraction, Global Leadership Academy follows the Mapleton dress code.  Some specific reminders are below.  


**Any clothing this policy does not address is up to the discretion of the school Director and Assistant Director.

Dress code picture

May be Worn on Campus

  • Mandatory and Allowable Dress:

    • Students must wear a top, bottom, and footwear while on school premises
    • Items typically worn as undergarments must be covered by a shirt or pants
    • Some courses (PE, science lab, electives, etc.) and school-sponsored extracurricular activities may require adjustment to attire and hairstyles or specific attire (safety gear, athletic attire, uniforms, hair tied back, etc.)
    • 6th – 12th-grade students must have and display a District distributed student ID when on District properties.

May Not be Worn on Campus

  • Items that expose private parts of the body (genitalia, nipples, or buttocks)
  • Items that are typically associated with activities that are outside of the school environment, such as swimwear or biking shorts
  • Items with sexually suggestive language or messages
  • Items that promote illegal or violent conduct, including but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons and/or gang affiliation
  • Items that depict hate speech, intimidation, or intolerance toward protected groups
  • Items that are profane or legally libelous
  • Items that make the student's face unidentifiable, such as dark sunglasses, cinched hoodies, or hats pulled below the brow (protective masks, clothing/headgear worn for religious and medical purposes are excepted)

Dress Code & ID Violations

If a student violates the dress code or ID policy, he/she will be asked to comply, and parents/guardians will be expected to bring a change of clothes if needed.  Repeated violations will result in a conference with parents and potential disciplinary action.  Appeals may be made to the Superintendent/Designee of Mapleton Public Schools.